Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Details for Thanksgiving Day ride (and yes, I rode Tuesday)

What a week- getting out an ad for Black Friday and the holiday season in general has been extraordinarily tough on me, including run-ins with my daughter who thinks my procrastination has caused her undue grief. Well, at least she’s got a safe target for her venom; better me than others! Is she right though? Well, sure, definitely something to it; if I had no interruptions, I’d have no problem getting things done quickly, but that’s not the life I lead. And my thinking is that, even if I did start very early, I’d still be fussing with it right through to the end.

OK, regarding the ride. Yes, we’re going to start at the traditional Thanksgiving Day ride time of 8am, same place as the regular ride (Olive Hill & Canada Road). The plan is to head up 84 (not Old LaHonda, believe it or not) and out to La Honda, over Haskins to Pescadero, north on Stage and back on Tunitas. Should get us back to the start by 12:30, likely a bit earlier. –Mike–

Life on the road / does this bed need more pillows?

Wednesday morning I was home, that night in Nashville and now in Minneapolis before returning home late Sunday night. If I was just traveling to one place it would seem very different, just a short business trip, one of many. But something changes when you’re finished at your first stop and then, instead of coming home, you head somewhere else. Somewhere you cross an imaginary line that separates the normal trip from one that gives a taste of life on the road and a sense that a hotel is your home. A momentum builds suddenly when that next flight takes you somewhere else, not home.
