Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Gotham City?

You tell me, does this look like a scene from a Batman movie or what? It’s actually downtown Nashville, Broadway to be precise. The home of many, many Elvis shops and high-fat eateries.

So what are Steve and I doing in Nashville? We’re here to attend a high-level fitting seminar for tri bikes, so we can make our fastest customers even faster! But don’t worry, nobody’s turn me into a triathlete, not as long as one of the three events involves running.

I really had no idea how many of our customers did a fair amount of running until came along, where people post their cycling and running gps data.
So tomorrow (Thursday) Kevin (my son, not the pilot) will be out on the regular Tuesday/Thursday-morning ride while I’m likely eating an excessive amount of tasty but artery-clogging food. I’ll be there in spirit, and look forward to looking at Kevin’s Strava download. It will be interesting to see how he does without me holding him back.
This is a two-day seminar but instead of flying home Friday night, I head to Minneapolis for a distributor’s show called, appropriately, Frostbike. And then Sunday night I’m home. Six flights, nothing heroic, but I’m sure going to be missing the bike! And my wife, and kids, and the people at the shop who hold things together and keep our customers happily cycling.  –Mike–

A 90-second tour of our Redwood City remodel

A fast & furious look at our January 2nd-13th remodel in our Redwood City store. Yes, we have bravely brought our retail standards up from 1980 to 1997 or so, with help from Trek Bicycles Retail Services Division. There are some on our staff who were disappointed that I wasn’t more actively involved in the design and final layout, but too much input from me would have resulted in an extrapolation of what we already had. We needed a new look, which is beyond my expertise. I know bikes, the Retail Services guys know what a great store looks like. So I pretty much let Tim, James & Brian have a free hand in most things, including picking flooring, fixtures and walls. My primary contribution was an insistence that we have a workable mechanic area downstairs, so we could have more expertise writing up repairs and running down unusual parts (and, hopefully, fewer people calling to me for help). So far, so good!

If you’re on our email list you’ll get something early next week promoting our grand reopening (never mind that we were never actually closed during the remodel, which was quite remarkable). I’m looking at this as the Bay Area’s newest bike shop is 32 years old!

We’ve still got more to do, and a now modern-looking facility that’s worthy of better upkeep (which means more sweeping & wiping & keeping things in their place). And I’m still trying to figure out where everything is, but remarkably, the most-significant thing that got lost in the transition was a paper shredder. Might have ended up in the massive pile of old electronic stuff we’ve collected over the past 24 years at this location.

Stop by and check out the place. Same friendly and helpful people as before, but a much nicer presentation. –Mike–