Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Remember being *really* excited about your first nice bike?

We’ve been visited a few times by this young man who’s got his eyes set on a Trek road bike, SLX I think. Pretty sure he’s brought in his parents and maybe Grandma or a caretaker or maybe all of the above; I think he wants everyone in his life to know how cool that bike would be for him. He’s been so bitten by the cycling bug that he reads and perhaps even relates to some of the writings of my almost-daily-diary.

When I was in his shoes, let’s see… hmm… OK, I was 10 or 11 at the time when I fell in love with the idea of a road bike. That would be… oh my… 43, almost 44 years ago! I’d saved up money from my paper route to buy an “Orly Tour de France” for $49 from Macys. I’d love to see the ad that enticed me to buy that bike, but truthfully, I don’t recall. I just remember that there was no way I could afford a Schwinn Varsity (the bike that Captain Kangaroo said I should have) (back when a Schwinn was a bike worth having) because they were $73 at the time, and this “Orly Tour de France” was just $49. So I bought it with the paper route money and, a year later, had enough to buy the Schwinn Varsity (not realizing until almost three years later that the Orly was a far better bike!).

That’s me, at the right, in my first race on my Gitane Tour de France. Cutoffs, leather helmet, t-shirt, nobody will deny the humble beginnings of my bike racing days!

That young man who’s been coming into the shop is at my “Orly” stage right now. Actually, he’s almost gone past that, because I didn’t really feel the way he does about a new bike until it was time for my first “real” racing bike, a Gitane Tour de France. For that bike, I had to gain support from my parents, since it was an outrageous (for then) $236. My technique was masterful; I convinced my father that the bike I was lusting after was the Gitane “InterClub” model, about $140 (still a lot of money for 1970 or ’71). And once I convinced him of the reasonableness of that bike, I then moved things up to the bike I actually planned to get. There was simply no way I was going to convince my father of the wisdom of a 15 year old buying a bike that cost the equivalent of maybe $1500-$2000 today in one swift motion. Yes, even though it was entirely my own money, it was still important, and perhaps required, that I have his approval for the purchase.

Maybe the young man I’m talking about (the one wanting the SLX, not me!) looks at that bike and sees the future. A machine capable of altering his space-time continuum by giving him a bit of independence and control over his surroundings, and multiplying his own physical capabilities. A discovery that real life adventures can be far more intense and satisfying than what you get with a computer game’s faux realism.

As we get older, it becomes increasingly difficult to find such long-lasting excitement in such simple things. We have our desires, sometimes our impossible (or unwise!)-to-attain fantasies, but once we get them, much if not all of the thrill is gone. But this young man has reminded me of the magically-transformative and lasting powers of the bicycle. There is no question that my cycling has helped me get through life more successfully, falling to fewer temptations, and healthier than I otherwise would have been. It’s been that solid foundation that I can depend upon, no matter what. Marriages have fallen, nations have crumbled, brilliant minds lost because someone didn’t have… a bicycle? Maybe that’s a bit (bit?) over-the-top, but only a bit.

Now you see why I’m in this business. Why I really couldn’t be doing anything else and feel like I was doing what I was meant to do. –Mike–

(Interesting that two of the most-significant bikes in my early life were both “Tour de France” models. And now, decades later, I’ve made a literal ritual out of visiting the Tour de France bike race, year after year (10 of the past 11?). The strange thing about this is that I didn’t have even a passing interest in the actual race back then. Even when I wrote about bike racing for the magazine Competitive Cycling, my interest was at best national, and primarily regional. But now, the trips to the Tour de France have come to be something I look forward to, my alternate universe in which bikes rule the world (once you get away from those pesky Gendarmes anyway!) and almost a second home, another place in the world I can feel comfortable in.)

Keep those shoulders back/good posture on a bike (or “Things I learned in Fit School”)

So after spending a lot of quality time with people who make their living exclusively fitting people to bicycles, I did take awy something that helped me on yesterday’s ride. Keep those shoulders wide! Seriously, make an effort to “square up” those shoulders. Do not allow your arms to pull them forward. You’d be surprised how much better you’ll breathe, and feel overall, if you don’t let them roll forward. Who knew. Well, probably everyone else in the world but me. I’ve always seen rolled-forward shoulders as a reason to bring the bars in closer, but for comfort reasons. I never thought about how much better you can breathe if you’re not essentially squeezing your lungs.

It’s something you’ll need to work on a bit; there’s a natural tendency to let them move forward, kind of like slumping in a chair. Why fight it? Why spend the effort to bring them back? Aren’t you supposed to “relax” on the bike? Well, yes! You should be relaxed. But the truth is, you can easily make those slight modifications to your posture without feeling like you’re contorting yourself or spending any effort at all doing so.

Truth be told, most reading this probably have a longer stem, or perhaps lower, than is ideal. We get this idea in our minds that racers look a certain way, so that’s the way we’re supposed to look. But if you study racers, you’ll find they don’t all look the same; they’re all over the map. Short stems, long stems, tall stems, low stems. And wherever they are, they do not look stretched out. They might look long but they don’t look stretched. Their shoulders are squared up, so they can breathe. So many of us want that “long” look, but can’t manage it because we’re just not built for it.

There will be some of us who, frankly, are going to look like we’re “perched” atop our bikes when properly fit. My son, Kevin, fits into that camp, because, while flexible (or at least far more flexible than I am, but then again, that describes most people on the planet), his legs are proportionately much longer than his arms & torso. Me? I ride in a position that’s at least questionable, given my lack of flexibility. And yet it’s comfortable. Film at 11 after I work it all out.