Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Best-looking bike we’ve ever sold?

Sometimes you can imagine how you want something to be or look, but the reality doesn’t quite match the dream. Not with this bike. A Project One TREK Madone that Becky worked with, which was a wedding present to a guy’s wife. It doesn’t take much to figure that she really likes pink, but there’s a lot more going with this bike than just pink. The combination of colors came out perfectly!

Project One bikes give you hundreds of color & component options, at a surprisingly affordable price. My own bike is a Madone 6-series custom-paint Project One, but nothing nearly as elaborate as what you see here. I’ll try and find a photo somewhere and post it. I’m sure if I’d had Becky do it for me, it would have been a lot more elaborate, and nicer-looking to most, but probably not “me.” That’s the cool thing about Project One. It’s all about you.

Becky’s got a lot more information about the Project One process on her blog here! Check it out and make sure to leave her comments with any questions. She’s annoyed that so many more people read and comment on my blog than hers. Never mind that I’ve been doing this for 13 years vs 18 days for her… 🙂

“Spinal Tap” or “Almost Famous”?

Two great movies that came to mind when the keyboardist for Brad Paisley (whose name I’ll leave out because I didn’t tell him I’d be plastering it on the ‘net) came in to look at a Madone this afternoon. Interesting to think about the parallels between a rock band traveling around the west coast on a big bus and a bike racing team! And yes, I did ask him about Spinal Tap and Almost Famous. Back in the day, sounds like those movies might have been a bit closer to the mark than they are now, with the stars of rock & country getting older, raising families, becoming almost passable as normal people. LB, if you’re reading this, that’s meant as a compliment 🙂

This guy’s got the right idea. He has a special section he’s created on the bus, with a wood box his bike goes into so that nothing gets piled on top of it. It’s got to be pretty cool traveling around and seeing the different places you go to by bike. I can’t see spending months on the road myself, but if I had to, bringing my bike with me would be how I’d remain sane. Then again, maybe I’m missing an opportunity here. Maybe you could have a big bus mobile bike shop that travels the country, announcing its presence ahead of time on the ‘net?