Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

What started as the “Almost-Daily Diary” over 10 years ago…

All things change, some just take more time than others. For years, this diary, which I refused to call a “blog” because, at least at the start, the name didn’t mean anything to me, has been maintained on our website through the use of MS FrontPage or MS Web Expressions, two relatively heavy-duty web programs that require I be at a “real” computer if I want to update anything. But this is the age of the iPhone and instant communication all over the world, so it is time to move on.

It’s likely to be a klunky transition, as I figure out how to deal with “themes” and the interactive potential of a WordPress “blog.” But the future has caught up with me, so it’s time I joined it. Tomorrow should be the first ride report, and we’ll see how photos work. –Mike–