Category Archives: Tues/Thurs 7:45am ride

Endless ramblings regarding the every Tuesday & Thursday-morning bike ride, leaving Olive Hill & Canada Road at 7:45am, rain or shine

Kevin’s first time up Kings in 4 weeks

Kevin reaching the top of Kings, just short of 40 minutes from starting up.
Sunday’s ride went better than expected, at least for me, so I wasn’t entirely dreading this morning’s ride up Kings. I wasn’t looking forward to another cold morning ride, but I’d made sure my electric gloves were fully charged and I’d laid out the really-cold-weather gear the night before. 3 upper layers, plus carrying a lightweight wind breaker just in case.

Kevin was complaining about his side being sore, which he blamed on Sunday’s ride when I asked him to “move to the front” because we’d picked up some riders behind us on Foothill, and I wanted to make it easier for them to pass us, if that was their game. Kevin, of course, thinks I just wanted him to hammer at the front. Between that and the four weeks away from Kings, 40 minutes was about the best Kevin could do.

Not enough time to do the West Old LaHonda section. Again. Got to get that taken care of Thursday, pretty much no matter what!

Did I mention it was cold? Seemed much colder than indicated on our computers; quite a bit of moisture in the air. And not even winter yet.

And almost forgot, still testing positive for Covid too. And still zero symptoms.

Better late than never to announce no ride Thanksgiving morning

Well yes, I should have gotten around to this a while ago! Thanksgiving Day I’ll be on a place with my wife heading to Rome (via Frankfurt). Two weeks off the bike! I’m going to be coming back fat & slow, for sure. There’s the slightest possibility I’ll spend a little time in a gym, but it’s not particularly high. In the meantime…
This was pretty cool. Monday night, riding home, I lost my best home-made (by Becky) mask. I didn’t know where, but by the time I got home, it wasn’t around my neck anymore. Kevin and I rode to work after Tuesday morning’s ride, looking for it and, sure enough, there it was, just a couple blocks from the shop. Lying in the street. That mask, one of 6, has been with me pretty much since the beginning of the pandemic, and I’d planned on using the 4 remaining on the trip I’m taking with my wife.
And Tuesday-morning’s ride? Pretty darned slow! Pretty darned cold at the beginning, which doesn’t help me, but gradually warmed up as we climbed Kings. And I gradually felt better.