Category Archives: Tues/Thurs 7:45am ride

Endless ramblings regarding the every Tuesday & Thursday-morning bike ride, leaving Olive Hill & Canada Road at 7:45am, rain or shine

Tuesday was impossibly hard; today (Thursday) was so much fun!

It’s really tough to figure out; Tuesday I was dying out there. Every pedal stroke up Kings was without joy. No capability to push the pace for even a bit, just, well, misery on wheels. Kevin did much better, despite having some vision issues due to his epilepsy meds. At any time he could have dropped me like a rock. My goal was just to get to the top of Kings and hope this would be one of those rides where you felt better at the end than the beginning. Fortunately that did turn out to be the case. I began to feel almost alive on West Old LaHonda. I have no excuses, nothing to explain why I felt that way. One of those days where you’re thinking an ebike is in your future sooner than later.

Thank goodness Thursday was totally different! I was concerned how things would go, but it was an entirely different version of me that showed up today. Both Kevins were there (Tuesday just one Kevin, the younger one); I waved younger Kevin on, so he could see what type of time he could get, and rode up the hill with ex-Pilot Kevin, who’s consistent but not as fast as he (or I should say either of us) used to be. I felt good; I was able to put in some really strong efforts here and there and was just generally having a good time, pushing the limits of my lungs and legs. Like I said, I can’t explain it, just glad the version of me that rode Sunday & Tuesday didn’t show up today.

Kevin was on fire today

Crazy Thursday morning. Kevin called it Tuesday evening; he said Thursday was going to be a take-no-prisoners assault on Kings. Kind of like Babe Ruth called out a home run. Kevin delivered.

We had Kevin, Kevin & Colin with us today; Colin had actually ridden on ahead earlier, thinking he was going to be climbing too slowly for us. Pretty much everyone would be climbing too slowly for Kevin (younger Kevin). It was Thursday so we rode through the park on the way up Kings, and when we turned onto Greer, he hit it HARD. I caught back up to him and jokingly said he had to do better than that; he told me, at the base of the park (coinciding with the last I saw of him) that he was already up 20 seconds on his personal best. I backed off about halfway through the park and waited for (older) Kevin, riding the rest of the way at a conversational pace. OK, I did do one really hard dig, about halfway up, just to see if I could. I just looked at it on Strava; a whopping 25 seconds or so at just 425 watts. Meantime, Kevin was way way way up ahead, and managed to AVERAGE 305 watts.

The relatively-constant riding in France must have been really good for Kevin. There were a couple days where he was wondering why we couldn’t have an easy ride, but pretty sure he can see where it all paid off.

I’m not sure what I’m capable of right now, if I was really pushing it, but I know it’s nothing close to 305 watts. Maybe, maybe, I could come close to 250. There’s a world of difference between 250 and 305. I found I was able to push fairly hard on West Old LaHonda, but clearly Kevin’s in a whole different league right now.