Category Archives: Tues/Thurs 7:45am ride

Endless ramblings regarding the every Tuesday & Thursday-morning bike ride, leaving Olive Hill & Canada Road at 7:45am, rain or shine

First morning in a long time it didn’t drop into the 30s. Good thing, that! But no legs to go with it.

Maybe I should have included the many rabbits we saw in the title, more rabbits today than other cyclists. Usually we see just one, two, and rarely three rabbits. If we see any at all. The reason we saw so many rabbits is shown in the picture; overcast/fog. The rabbits come out to the road when they feel safe, and safety, for a rabbit, involves not being easily seen by overhead predators. Keven wondered why they come out to the road; I’m thinking maybe that’s the easiest place to meet up with other rabbits!

OK, just the two of us today, although we did see Karen riding down Kings just as we were heading up. Slow? Oh yeah, so slow that Kevin hardly noticed he was having a seizure not too far into the climb. We could tell from the very beginning that neither of us had legs today. One of those days where you think about where you might even want to turn back, but fortunately I haven’t gotten to that point yet. 40+ years of doing this ride, and it’s actually a longer ride than at the beginning (back in the day, we didn’t include the West Old LaHonda loop).

Another long dry spell from posting

Been an interesting last couple of weeks. Finally broke through the really slow times up Kings and just generally feeling badly; I had a string of pretty strong rides, maybe three in a row, that made me feel hopeful for the future! Would have loved for the temperatures to be a bit warmer though; this morning was the third consecutive ride with temps below 39F up on Skyline. Last Sunday’s ride was different than most; it was pretty gray and drizzly-looking up on Skyline so we stayed on this side of the mountain, but did a pretty unusual ride in the high foothills above Los Altos.

And then there was this morning. No legs, no lungs, nothing. It was an accomplishment simply doing the full ride with Kevin, Kevin & Karen (actually, Karen doesn’t do the full Tuesday/Thursday rides; she skips the West Old LaHonda loop so she can get to work on time). I didn’t get that feeling of being stronger as the ride went on, but the rest of the day definitely went better than it would have, had I not ridden. There’s something very pleasant about your body giving you a gentle reminder that you rode, a slight soreness that says yes, you did something.

The photo above is from last Tuesday’s ride, with a Raven carrying a small mouse across the road in front of Kevin. And below is the strava mapping for Sunday’s unusual ride.