Category Archives: Uncategorized

50 Shades of Gray, er, May

50_SHADES_MAYIMG_7327Maybe it’s a promo for the movie. Wasn’t it released to rent this month? 50 Shades of May? May has certainly featured a whole lot of Gray. Today was no exception; as you can see, up on Skyline, a whole lot of Gray. It almost looked like we might see the sun earlier in the ride; I swear there were a couple of times I actually saw shadows!

This was yet another weird variation on a theme. The intent was to do the regular ride, but up near Skeggs JR’s flat tire brought our steady-but-slow pace to a stop, which also let the cold start setting in our on bones, and by the time we got going again, elder Kevin wisely suggested we head back down the way we came (Kings) so we wouldn’t have to deal with fast cars on wet pavement (heading down 84).

That’s not much of a ride, so younger Kevin and I suggested that we take Patrol Road (at the base of Kings) to the end, something I hadn’t done in many decades, and something that elder Kevin was absolutely convinced was tougher than Summit Springs. Nope. Not even close. Thankfully!

No PRs today, although truthfully, I did feel a whole lot better heading up Patrol than I thought I would! This was definitely one of those days I felt a lot better at the end than the beginning. But please, let’s see the sun sometime.  –Mike–

The world is back in order; Pescadero’s Mastadon back in place

IMG_0593_DxO1200Being Mother’s Day I was supposed to get out early on a ride with Kevin, but being Mother’s Day also meant having to head out and get coffee for breakfast. So the early start I’d hoped for got later and later, and by the time we could finally get going (10:30) Kevin has having issues of the sort that Immodium AD is used for. Solo ride for Dad.

The original plan was the usual “reference” ride. Up Old LaHonda, down the other side, past the LaHonda Duck Pond, over Haskins Grade to Pescadero, then north on Stage and return via Tunitas. No reason not to stick to the plan, and it gave me an opportunity to see what my legs and lungs could do.

You’re never really sure how it’s going to go until you get out there and face down the hill first-hand. You might feel sluggish, you might feel good, You just don’t know for sure until you start climbing the hill, and even then, it might take a couple of minutes to know if you have it, or not. Even though you know this, you’re still playing through the hill in your mind, before you get to it, thinking this is going to be a 24-minute climb or something like that. And that’s pretty much exactly what I was thinking, in the few miles before Old LaHonda this morning, that it would be around 24 minutes. But, I hit the 3 minute timing point just a few seconds ahead, and the halfway timing point indicated I might get just under 22 minutes. Which, of course, I did. “Of course” because I’m nothing if not consistent or predictable; this 59-year-old body rarely pulls a rabbit (really fast time) out of a hat, nor does it unexpectedly fail to deliver the usual (semi-mediocre) effort.

No long stop at the Duck Pond for photos this trip, since I needed to get back as quickly as possible, but I did pause long enough to see the turtles are back, or at least one turtle, made nearly-invisible because it was covered in whatever-it-is that’s growing on top of the pond. Then it was on to Haskins, which I hoped to get under 10, and did. It wasn’t pretty; you’d think, on my own, that I could do it more-efficiently, instead of trying to keep up with someone else’s pace. Doesn’t seem to work that way.

“Lunch” in Pescadero was a Pepsi (they were out of Coke) and one of their oversized chocolate-chip cookies. Couldn’t do a face test because it was too fresh (wouldn’t hold shape) and tough to do by yourself. Then it was into the headwind heading north on Stage, which didn’t seem as tough as expected.

Tunitas? The legs felt like they’d been done-in by the prior climbs, but you do what you gotta do. No tailwind to help with the climb, but I pushed anyway, and then, just a bit before the real climb starts, my Garmin tells me I’m approaching a segment and gives me my best prior time for that segment, and adds insult to injury by giving me a real-time indication of how I’m doing today vs then (how far ahead or behind at any given time, today showing times only in red, which doesn’t mean you’re doing well). Still, I finished the Tunitas climb in 47-something, so overall, it was a pretty good ride. Just got to figure out where and why those segments mysteriously appear as I ride!