Category Archives: Uncategorized

We rode in the rain so you didn’t have to

Bad timing or what? It was dry when I left the house this morning, it was dry at the start of the ride, and the weather forecast said dry for an hour or two more, after that, light showers. But maybe all those who didn’t show knew something that Eric and Marcus didn’t? Just a few drops heading up Kings, not much on Skyline, and fine heading down the backside of 84 and up the other side of Old LaHonda. Only thing not-so-nice was a headwind coming from the coast. But by the time we hit Sky Londa for the descent home, things had changed. In fact, 100ft short of the intersection is the exact place it changed.

Of course, shortly after getting back, it stopped raining. And didn’t rain again, all day.

Yes, we rode Thursday

Wow, quite a few days behind here! Yes, we rode Thursday morning, yes, it was cold, 39 degrees in parts, but yes, it’s going to get colder yet in the future. Since it was a Thursday we rode up through the park, and a good time was had by all. Not exactly. Kevin’s been suffering from kidney stone issues that caused him to cut the ride short, heading back down 84 on the first pass through, instead of doing the west-side Old LaHonda section. Bummer! But his kidney stone was killing him up on Skyline (and it didn’t get better during the day, causing us to have to take him to the emergency room later that night for a strong dose of drugs that I’d really rather he didn’t have to take).

In the meantime it’s been wet off & on, but looking forward to tomorrow morning’s supposed break in the storms. It’ll probably be pretty messy out there, but since we haven’t done a good cleaning of our bikes since the last icky day, it’s not such a big deal. Just hope it’s going to be a bit warmer!