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Will I see the cherry blossoms in DC?

Two very long days down (and that’s not counting a travel day getting here), two more to go! The first two were spent in board meetings for the National Bicycle Dealer Association, our industry’s attempt to improve the quality of bicycle retailers to ensure our survival in a world that gets tougher for business every day.

The next two are designed to improve conditions for our customers, although with the current climate here in DC, status quo will be considered a victory.

It is Washington DC though, and what would a trip to DC be without a sighting of the President? I’ll let you know when that happens because for now all I’ve got are shots of two cars with darkened windows and no idea which he was in. –Mike–

Location:W Virginia Ave,Bethesda,United States

Yes, we rode today

It felt almost tropical this morning; mid to upper-40s, a good 10 degrees warmer than usual. And yet, just a few of us on the ride. Todd at the start, joined by Chris on the way up Kings. It was a pretty slow ride up the hill, as Kevin (my son) hadn’t taken a hit from his inhaler and his asthma was holding him back quite a bit. So much so that he said no way was he going to do the whole ride, heading back down the hill with Todd at Sky Londa.

Of course, that wasn’t going to happen! He got feeling better up on Skyline, just like I told him he would, as he got above the dirty air below (all those lit fireplaces despite the spare-the-air warning due to atmospheric conditions that keep all the bad air down close to the ground). It wasn’t a pretty ride, but we still felt a whole lot better at the end for having ridden than we would have otherwise. Which is always how it works out!