Tag Archives: old la honda

Don’t get Nigel started about doping in Pro Cycling. He will hurt you!

Let’s see, today’s crew… Claude (who’s shown up on some TurkeyDay rides and a few years ago, I think, a regular Tuesday/Thursday-morning ride), Eric, Kevin, Ludo, Nigel, John. 7 total. Feels like I’m missing someone? Beautiful cloudless morning with a bright sun, just the slightest hint of a breeze (so much unlike Tuesday!), and a bit on the cool side. Eric saw 37 degrees on a computer that he says reads a bit high. 35 might have been the actual temperature, which to some might sound darn right cold, but when the sun’s shining, you’re dressed reasonably warmly and you keep moving at a decent clip, it’s really not that bad. It doesn’t hurt that you know it’s going to get warmer as you go!

We did the ride through the park, with a bit of a rude awakening at the bottom entrance when we were surprised by a park truck heading out as we were heading in. The odds of that are so atronomical you don’t even think about the possibility, so when it suddenly appeared, there wasn’t even time to think about riding around it, we all just rode off the road (not a problem as it was flat dirt) and stopped. It seemed like a far more dramatic encounter than it actually was.

We’re going to have to pace ourselves a bit better on the way up through the park though; since once again we got to the top just a minute, maybe less, before the park ranger (in the same truck?) came by to open it up. This enforced the mandatory regroup, since those of us in the lead walked our bikes around the closed gate, giving those a bit behind a chance to catch up and ride through. Somehow that put me up in front a bit with Nigel, which was fine, for a while. He was riding a pretty consistent pace, something my lungs could keep up with, until somehow the subject of doping in professional cycling in general, and the Tour de France specifically, came up.

Nigel’s a strong believer in Floyd’s tell-all stories, while I have some strong reservations because I know of several things that he has absolutely positively made up since supposedly coming clean and telling the truth about everything (the most-glaring example being his assertions that he was racing on second-rate equipment compared to everyone else, while the truth is that everyone on US Postal and later Discovery had current-model bikes in exceptional shape, which I know because I was at a training camp as well as the team hotel during the Tour de France once year, and got to inspect their bikes). It’s my opinion that Floyd “fills in the gaps” with stories that seem plausible based on other things he’s said. I seriously don’t think he even realizes it when he still lies about things; he can’t help himself. His credibility, with me, is extremely low, and not just because he fooled me badly and took a small amount of money from me via the “Floyd Fairness Fund.” I just don’t buy into the instant-conversion theory. Remember, this is the same Floyd that was there, in the same room, as his friend who called Greg LeMond and claimed to be an uncle of his (Greg’s) who had abused him as a child. And didn’t do anything about it. That speaks volume about someone’s character, and the substantiated lies that followed after his conversion are enough to put me well past “trust, but verify.” I’d say it’s more like “Don’t trust this guy until you have corroborating evidence.” Just because he’s saying things that seem plausible doesn’t mean they are. Remember he still denies taking testosterone in the TdF.

Stopping for Nigel's bike repair on Kings. Left to right is Kevin, Nigel, Claude & John.

OK, a very long-winded way of saying I really would have liked to have engaged Nigel in conversation on the way up, except that the more he talked about doping, the faster he rode. He was like a man possessed, an inner anger that he was unleashing on his pedals (and me!). So I’m just barely hanging on, with lungs that just don’t work in the cold, completely unable to respond (either vocally or with the pedals). So Nigel, if you’re reading this, the paragraph above pretty much says what I would have liked to have said when you were, as Phil Liggett would say, turning the pedals in anger! It’s possible that Nigel was in so much anger that that’s what caused him to break his bike almost at the top of Kings. Well OK, he didn’t break his bike but had a problem with his seatpost, which required stopping for repair.

Can you ever get too many pictures of the view of the coast from west-side Old LaHonda?

This was a Thurday ride, so in general it was reasonably-moderate in pace. We were missing some of the guys who suffer from too much natural (I assume it’s natural) testosterone- George, Karl and Chris. Not that Kevin and John can’t start something on their own, but we lacked the critical mass for a Tuesday sort of ride. At least that was the case until we got to west-side Old LaHonda, when Kevin and… darn, Nigel I think, took off as we entered the forrest, and it was a bit of time before John and I reacted. Of course I didn’t realize Ludo was on our tail, until way too late. Not that I could have done anything about it, other than maybe pass on the sprint up that final steep pitch to Skyline, which might have seemed more dignified that at least trying and then coming to a nearly-complete stop about a quarter of the way from the top.

At Skyline we met up with several other long-time Chain Reaction customers who’d come up east-side Old LaHonda, including Dennis, whose hub had been giving him (and us) trouble for some time and had taken us forever to get the right parts for, so it was with a small measure of fear & trepidation that I asked if it was working OK. Thankfully, it was. Moments like that are always risky, but not to be avoided. Better to know and find a way to take care of something if it’s still not quite right.

The only noteworthy event after that was the disappearance of Claude. We don’t know where we left him, but at the bottom of 84 (in Woodside), he was nowhere to be seen. Yikes. That’s not the way this ride is supposed to be run, and I take responsibility for that. I don’t recall Claude mentioning anything about turning right at the bottom of the hill and I sure hope he didn’t end up with a flat somewhere along the descent. It’s not like there’s 30 people for me to keep track of. I’m going to make a point of working on this in the future. –Mike–

Why I like my job

Faithful readers will recall that, in last Tuesday’s entry, when our morning ride was enjoying yet another incredible day to ride and regretting that they had to get to work, I mentioned my job involves getting others to enjoy the same sort of thing we were. And today, at the top of Old LaHonda, I came across someone we had sold a new bike to just a couple days ago, on his very first ride up to Skyline. How cool is that?

Obviously lots of people out riding today, most of them a bit earlier than I got out, trying to get back before the Superbowl. I would have been in that earlier crowd, except that Kevin (my son, not the pilot) got out of bed limping pretty badly and had to make a trip to Kaiser (something he’s rather used to by now). Turns out he’d messed up a tendon at LaCrosse practice on Friday, so no riding or LaCrosse for a week. So instead of getting out at 9:30, it was shortly after 12 that I got going, something you wouldn’t do in the summer because you’d be facing the climbs in the heat of the day. Well guess what? February 6, 2011, which is technically the middle of winter, and it was in the mid-70s and I’m even feeling like I got too much sun.

My original plan, or the slightly-modified version without Kevin, was to do a speed run, no stopping for rest anywhere, just get out, do the Old LaHonda/Pescadero/Tunitas loop and return. It didn’t quite work out that way though, as my legs and mind just didn’t initially seem wired for speed. I took a bit of time at the top of Old LaHonda, where I came across Hugh (the guy who’d just picked up a bike from us) and a number of others enjoying their bikes. Then down to LaHonda, loop through the back roads to Pescadero Road, up Haskins Grade and wondering when I was really going to get in the groove on this ride. I stopped in at the Pescadero Bakery for an Ollallieberry Scone and then headed across Stage Road. Curiously, I came across quite a few cyclists I know, all heading in the opposite direction (doing the loop counter-clockwise). Did they know something I didn’t? Struggling north against strong winds on Stage Road, the answer was yes! But headwinds have been less of an issue for me these past few years, whether because I have more patience now or see it as a challenge, not sure. Just know that I don’t mind putting my head down and driving into them, at least for a little bit.

It was on Tunitas that I started feeling really good. It took 3/4s of the ride to get that feeling, but there’s no better way to finish a ride than feeling good on a climb. Nothing earth-shattering; from the coast to the top took 51 minutes, 17 seconds (not that I keep track of such things!), but the warmer weather opened up my lungs and I could breathe! For once I wasn’t limited by my usual winter lungs so I was able to breathe easily and slowly, limited instead by whatever my legs could deliver. Of course, I’ll claim that I could have made it up significantly faster if I hadn’t been fighting the strong offshore flow at the bottom, and perhaps that’s even true. Whatever, it felt like I was putting in a good effort, and my bike was doing a fantastic job converting that effort into speed up the hill.

And Burt, yes, you should have ridden with me today. You would have liked it. –Mike–